Nel 1957 nonno Vincenzo apriva la sua piccola bottega immersa nel meraviglioso borgo medievale di Acerenza. Da tre generazioni quel forno non si è mai spento. La famiglia continua la tradizione con papà Michele e con un alleato mai stanco, il lievito madre. I nostri lievitati rappresentano da sempre un punto di forza, i cui sapori antichi si affiancano tuttora alle contaminazioni e alle reinterpretazioni che hanno reso possibile il loro successo. La terza generazione quella di Vincenzo e, successivamente, Giuseppe si dedica ad una intensa ricerca che unisce tradizione e innovazione, caratteristiche imprescindibili per lo spirito della famiglia Tiri. Da più di sessantanni produciamo artigianalmente e tramandiamo dolci lievitati della tradizione italiana. Nel 2014, 2015, 2016 e 2017 il nostro panettone è premiato come il Migliore d’Italia e nel 2017 anche la nostra colomba riceve lo stesso riconoscimento. Ecco cosa siamo: un sunto tra tradizione e innovazione, storia e progresso, attaccamento al territorio ed una accurata selezione delle migliori materie prime. La famiglia, il territorio, la qualità, una ricetta originale: ecco il segreto dell’antica Arte dell’azienda Tiri1957.
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The 1 Pastry - TIRI


For more than sixty years, we dedicate ourselves to the art of leavening, Tiri’s speciality.

We believe that, in our work, it is important to do only things that we do best. This is the reason why we have decided to create the first pastry in the world to produce only leavened products. The sourdough, one of the family, occurs in any creation: single portions, biscuits, chocolate candies, spreadable creams and also in the ice cream. You will have the opportunity to taste everyday unique sweets with an inimitable flavour, able to tell a long story: the story of our family.


A dream is born.

The youngest of nine children, of humble origin, and orphaned at a tender age, Grandfather Vincenzo had to roll up his sleeves early. In fact, when he was only adolescent, he started to work in the ancient manor farms in the countryside of Acerenza and, fascinated by the way they made the bread, he decided that, one day, he would have opened his own bakery.

The dream comes true.

Here begins the story of the Tiri’s family company. Grandfather Vincenzo opened his bakery in Acerenza, helped by Grandmother Caterina, and in addition to the traditional products he started to realize first leavened pasties, rigorously made with the sourdough and with few genuine and simple ingredients of his territory.

Here come the first rewards.

Michele Tiri takes over the reins of the family company and, keeping on the path traced by his parents, in collaboration with his wife Caterina, improves their top products and starts to receive the first rewards of a long list in the field of the leavening art.

The company expanded.

The great success obtained in the previous decade leads the family to open a new laboratory, best equipped and better designed, in order to crank out sweeties even more soft and tasty. In this framework, in balance between tradition and innovation, Vincenzo and Giuseppe Tiri take their first steps, starting the young third generation Tiri.

The third generation.

Vincenzo Tiri, after paid his dues in the laboratory of the most important experts of leavening at national and international level, assists, with his brother Giuseppe, dad Michele in the management of the company. Here come the first awards and rewards that bring to the fore the brand Tiri and lead to an innovative Panettone, realized with the exclusive method of the three kneading phases, becoming in the following years the most awarded in Italy.

The “boutique of the Panettone”. Tiri Bakery & Caffè is born.

The art of the natural leavening, the family speciality for more than sixty years, reaches its highest point of expression with the opening of Tiri Bakery & Caffè, the first pastry in the world to produce only leavened products, an innovative format that better represents the soul of the family, defined by the experts as “the boutique of the Panettone”.

Vincenzo Tiri

Vincenzo Tiri, born in 1981, is one of the most important experts of leavening in Italy. He has this art in his blood. In fact, he grow up in the family laboratory among sourdough, flour, eggs, butter and sugar, and when he was only a child begans his approach to the leavening art, following the footstep of his greatest teachers: Grandfather Vincenzo and dad Michele.

After paid his dues in the laboratory of the most important experts of leavening at national and international level, he came back to Acerenza to realize his biggest dream: to produce the most delicious Panettone in the world.
Over the years his Christmas dessert win a lot of competitions, it is off the charts of the most important magazines of the field, gaining a lot of rewards from specialized critics, fascinated by the peculiarity of his innovative method with three kneading phases and 72 hours of production that makes this product soft like no other. In 2018 he launched a new challenge: he opened the first pastry in the world to produce only leavened products in Potenza, defined as “the boutique of the Panettone” by the experts.

The experience gained over the years and the passion for the art of leavening have made Vincenzo Tiri one of the most-wanted consultant by Italian and international confectionery companies. Moreover, it is considerable his experience as a teacher for the most important Italian cooking and pastry schools. In October 2021 he received the prestigious World Pastry Star, an international award dedicated to the world of pastry.


You cannot create something extraordinary with ordinary methods. We flout the tradition of Panettone, whose recipe provides for only two kneading phases. Thanks to our innovative method with three kneading phases and 72 hours of production, we reinvented the Panettone, making it softer, more digestible, and fragrant.


After keeping ripen the sourdough freshening up many times, we are ready for the first dough, also called “white dough”.


When the first dough leavening, we add another important ingredient into the mix: fresh egg yolks, more sugar and butter.


In the last dough we add to the previous one: flour, sugar, honey, eggs, vanilla bean, natural flavours, butter, salt, fruits and chocolate.


On the third day of production, after baking and the following upside-down cooling for at least 16 hours, the product is ready to reach your houses and to be tasted.


packaging - il colore


The elegant blue colour of the package has a long story that dates back to the ‘50s, when Grandfather Vincenzo and Grandmother Caterina realized their first masterpieces with the sourdough and wrap them in a blue sugar paper. For this reason, we decided to honour our long family tradition always choosing blue-coloured packaging for our leavened products.


We searched for a unique and peculiar shape to enhance, through the packaging, the exceptionality of our leavened products. The perfect truncated cone of the packaging is inspired by the panoramic sight of our village Acerenza, the cradle of our family and head office of the company. Here, among uncontaminated water, pure air and the scent of history and art, our exquisite leavened pastry are born


The noble blue and gold colours and the refined shape of our packaging blend together in a design with a vintage style that enhance the historical importance of Tiri, and the knowledge used in our production.

The rosette in the texture is that of the magnificent and majestic Cathedral of Acerenza, chosen to represent, one again, the deep rootedness, also spiritual, of our products to the territory.


«Ammettetelo anche voi: quello di Vincenzo Tiri (Acerenza, Pz), oramai icona assoluta del panettone, quattro volte vincitore della classifica natalizia di Dissapore su quattro edizioni pubblicate, è un packaging bellissimo. Un lingotto finemente decorato d’oro su celeste, nobile e garbato. Se per qualche assurdo motivo doveste regalare un panettone del genere a un amico che (povero lui) non conoscesse la fama del pasticcere, fareste comunque un’ottima figura». (Premio Miglior Packaging 2019 per Dissapore).


The KING of Panettone.

Il panettone migliore d’Italia è il suo, ma non è meneghino, il tocco è quello meridionale (della Basilicata) con le scorze d’arancia di Tursi, altro paesino lucano, candite personalmente da Vincenzo.

I suoi panettoni vengono riconosciuti in tutto il mondo come un’eccellenza.

Vincenzo, classe ’81, è stato il fautore della consacrazione del nome Tiri nell’olimpo della pasticceria artigianale italiana.

Viene considerato tra i migliori panettoni d’Italia nelle classifiche che ogni anno siti e riviste specializzate dedicano ai migliori esemplari artigianali del dolce delle feste per eccellenza.

Tre lievitazioni e 72 ore di lavorazione si vedono, eccome. Tanto che quello di Tiri è uno di quei lievitati che – anche nella degustazione alla cieca – si fa riconoscere come l’opera di un gran maestro.

Quando si dice la perfezione (quasi) assoluta. […] Questo è IL panettone, quello che tutti vorrebbero trovare sotto l’albero.

Vanityfair review

Ingredienti selezionati, come le scorze d’arancia di Tursi candite in casa, e tripla lievitazione per oltre 72 ore complessive sono i segreti di un prodotto che lo rende sicuramente un Re del panettone.

Scatti di gusto review

“Vincenzo Tiri […] il pasticciere di Tiri Bakery & Cafè di Potenza, incantatore di lieviti come nessun altro in Italia”.